Terms and Conditions

Release from Liability / Assumption of Risks

Through the process of hiring, accepting, and performing the training established by Data Driven Strength LLC, you (the user) agree to not hold Data Driven Strength LLC legally responsible for any injury, illness, or problem that could be associated with the advice given as part of this service. By entering into the training process, you fully waive your right to litigation against Data Driven Strength LLC. Additionally, by proceeding with the training process, you agree that you fully understand that exercise in general and athletic training in particular can be an inherently dangerous activity both from a standpoint of physical injury and medical conditions. As such, you agree that you assume all of the risks associated with said activities without reservation.

The advice of Data Driven Strength LLC is in no way a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is it ever intended to act contrary to said medical advice. With this in mind, you agree that you will use sound judgment in accepting any advice from Data Driven Strength LLC. You also agree to full disclosure of any pertinent medical history or current medication when accepting any training programs or advice from Data Driven Strength LLC. It is important to keep in mind that Data Driven Strength LLC is not a medical doctor or registered dietitian. As such, advice on diet and supplementation will not take into account drug interactions or risks to other health conditions. As such, you agree to check with your doctor regarding health risk and/or drug interactions with any dietary or any other advice received from Data Driven Strength LLC.

Informed Consent

By agreeing to this form, you agree that you are over 18 years of age and of sound mind. Additionally, you agree that you assume all additional risks, even those not expressly mentioned in this document, associated with your relationship with Data Driven Strength LLC. The statement is also given freely and voluntarily, not under duress or misrepresentation of facts.

Copyrighted Material

By agreeing to this form, you agree to not disperse any materials gained through this product. This includes any training programs, spreadsheet systems, and any informational/educational material. Any dispersal of these copyrighted materials is prosecutable by law.

Refund Policies

You only need to enter your payment information once, and then you’ll be automatically billed after that based on the subscription length you choose. Data Driven Strength LLC does not offer refunds. If you cancel your subscription, you will not be refunded for any previous payments. You can easily manage your subscription within the community by clicking on your profile and selecting ‘Billing’. Upon cancellation, access to all features of the product (spreadsheets/training programs, private group, individualization quiz) will be revoked at the end of the billing period.